Tuesday, 16 February 2016

If you are moving you will want this

Changing locations is not fun when you are talking about a home to home move.  That is what most people are doing this year due to interest rates being the lowest of all time.  No one likes to move, but when you can get a bigger better house for less, you do it.  That was something I learned because not only did I move from my previous place of living, but my work ended up moving offices as well.  The changes we went through were a bit complicated but lots of things were learned on both ends. I found out that there was a whole world of moving and the shipping supplies needed in order to do it well.  Who would have guessed that the type of boxes and tape would make the whole experience better?What I learned ended up saving me and my company not only money but probably saved some injuries as well.  Shopping in the right place certainly helped.

Learning about the products takes about 10 minutes and you can quickly find that boxes are different. I always called boxes cardboard boxes and it turns out that what I thought was a cardboard box was actually a corrugated box.  Did that really matter?  Well, the differences were rather vast and what was actually a cardboard box was thin didn't hold weight well.  They could easily be destroyed with moister and would not hold much weight. What we think of as cardboard moving boxes is actually called a corrugated box.  These are because of the slits and folds that are in-between the shell of the box.  That is what makes it strong and less flexible and moister resistant.  So after I learned this I found out that boxes had different weights and strength ratings. All the ones I owned were cheap. 


I learned when talking to the major company what I needed.  What was great was that I found out how thick of a box we would need.  It turns out that I could use these heavy-duty corrugated boxes instead of plastic containers and they turned out to be fantastic.  They were so strong and held lots of weight that we needed fo moving work items.  Think of how heavy print paper is and how much of that we would need to move.  We needed a great box to hold it and not flex when picking it up.  That kept us from getting injured from flexing boxes and shifting weights.  It is a small thing that goes a whole long way.  I also found when talking to the store that there were moving packages meant for people moving homes.  This was next on my own personal list so I ended up ordering some cool items later. 

The Moving Sets were nice from these companies.  And having it shipped to my home was nice. I also found some cool hanger boxes set up for your closet. I was able to order a box that literally allowed us to hang out the closet in a closed box that was ready to go.  We ended up having no damage to our nicest clothing and it was super easy to move efficiently. So the box learning was great this year and totally worth it because I no longer hate moving as much. 

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